The Temptation of Dr. Colton Page 9
Struggling to contain his worry, he drank, the hot liquid scalding his throat. Despite having had this exact same scenario every single morning except for the past couple days, he felt MW’s absence keenly.
Was she all right? Still locked in fear? Or had she simply overslept? As he sipped his coffee and tried to rationalize checking on her, she walked into the kitchen and gave him a tentative smile.
“Morning.” She wore jeans and a navy T-shirt. The slight circles under her eyes attested to a rough night.
But at least she was okay. He too had spent the entire evening reliving the awful moment when his car exploded.
Relieved, he saluted her with his mug. Better not to discuss any of that. “Are you about ready to go?”
“I must be used to rising before sunrise, because I am.” Taking a large container out of the refrigerator, she filled two small bowls, and placed one in the microwave. “Steel-cut oats,” she told him. “I made them ahead of time since they take so long to cook. All we have to do is nuke them, and we have a hot, nutritious breakfast.”
He nodded, glad he hadn’t made toast or something. “Sounds great.”
After they ate, she left their dishes to soak in the sink and smiled at him again. He was relieved to see her fighting spirit had returned. The spark of excited light in her eyes made them a vivid shade of sky. Much better than the dull terror from the night before. “Thank you for taking me with you. I’ll definitely feel much safer. Plus, I think this is going to be interesting.”
He laughed, holding out his arm. As she took it, he shook his head. “You might find it excruciatingly boring sitting around in my office for several hours. Perhaps you should buy a magazine or book at the gift shop.”
Her smile widened. “Maybe I will.”
Eric managed to keep walking toward the door. MW entranced him; he had no other word for how she made him feel. She’d awakened a new sense of life, of endless possibilities, of hope. She made his heart—and his body—sing.
Once she got her memory back, he’d want to know if she felt the same. But first, he had to keep her safe until they could figure out why someone wanted her dead.
As they went outside, he caught himself giving their surroundings a sharp inspection, just in case. MW noticed and nodded her approval. “Thank you,” she murmured, leaning into him and bumping him with her hip.
Even that small gesture made him feel twelve feet tall.
When they reached the hospital, he pushed open the front door to let her enter ahead of him. Greeting the staff, he took MW to his office, pointing out the break room and gift store on the way.
Once she was situated in his office, he left her, striding down the hallway toward the elevators, needing to clear his mind. One day maybe he’d figure out the lure of MW, but right now he had surgery.
In the end, he did his job. Once the operation was finished—successfully, of course—he left the patient in Recovery and the capable hands of the nurses and headed off to find the chief of surgery and firm up his plans. He imagined old Cal would be pleased. Dr. Eric Colton would finally put in a request for some time off. Even though Eric would be giving short notice, there were plenty of other surgeons who could take over for two weeks.
As he’d suspected, his request for a vacation was immediately granted. Cal grinned and jumped up to pump Eric’s hand. “Finally,” he said. “You’re the best surgeon in this place and I have been really worried you’d burn out.”
Though Eric doubted such a thing would be likely—he loved his job—he smiled and nodded. “Since Dr. Patel is on call tomorrow, do you mind if I start my time off as soon as possible?”
“Of course not,” Cal boomed immediately, making Eric suspect the other man felt afraid Eric would change his mind. “Leave early today, if you can.”
Grinning back, Eric said he’d see what he could do. He knew the hospital management would frown on all of this, but what the suits didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them. Cal was the best and he took care of his staff. His reputation preceded him and there was a long list of capable surgeons willing to come work for him as soon as something opened up. Eric counted himself lucky.
Finishing up his shift, he knew he had a hundred small things to tidy up for whichever doctors took his place while he was gone. Though he only kept office hours twice a week, he’d called his staff and had them reschedule all his appointments, after first making sure there wasn’t anyone with an urgent problem. Luckily for him there wasn’t.
With that cleared up, he sat at the nurse’s station and reviewed the charts of all his surgeries and consults. Briefly, he considered summoning a meeting of the on-duty surgical nurses, but decided against it, well aware doing so would only give them one more thing to grumble about. While he valued the nurses highly, he knew he was often short and impatient with them. More than once, he’d heard them use the word arrogant, though he considered this to be false. Due to the nature of his job, he often had to make snap life-and-death decisions. He didn’t have time for idle chitchat or foolish gossip.
And until now, he hadn’t had time to take a vacation.
Ignoring the faint tug of guilt mingling with his anticipation, he completed his tasks and went to collect MW.
* * *
As long as she didn’t allow herself to reflect on the explosion, MW enjoyed her time in Eric’s office. From inside the four small walls, she felt immersed in the hospital, listening to the pages, watching the nurses and doctors and aides rush past, always in a hurry. She’d snagged a magazine from the surgical waiting room and flipped through it, but truth be told she found the hospital’s internal goings-on much more fascinating.
When Eric appeared in the doorway, she gave a surprised squeak and glanced at the clock on the wall. Almost noon.
“Wow,” she mused, standing and moving out from behind his desk. “Time sure flies past around here.”
For some reason her comment seemed to amuse him. He grinned. “All set. Are you ready?”
Confused, she peered up at him. “To go to lunch?”
His grin widened. “We can do that, too. But to get out of here. I’ve taken the rest of the day off.”
Delighted, she hugged him. Just a quick embrace, since she liked touching him far more than she should. Until her memory returned, she needed to keep her hands to herself.
“How about we grab something on the way back to the town house,” he said. “Do you like Chinese?”
Since she didn’t know, she shrugged. “Sounds great. But is it safe?”
“It’s right around the corner,” he promised. “And from there, a straight shot home.”
Home. She liked that word. Too bad right now his home felt fraught with danger.
The instant they stepped outside, her anxiety returned. Though not for long, as the all-you-can-eat buffet was right across the street from the hospital.
After their meal, they cut back through the hospital and hurried home. Though Eric kept his hand at the small of her back, she couldn’t shake the feeling she was being pursued.
“Here we go.” Using his electronic card, Eric unlocked the front door and ushered her inside. “Safe and sound.”
Nodding, she breathed a sigh of relief and headed toward his kitchen, where she felt safe.
“We’ll need to pack, but first I’m going to jump in the shower,” he told her. “Will you be all right out here?”
“Of course.” Her heart skipped a beat, though not because she felt threatened. Rather she immediately pictured him in the water, naked body gleaming. The instant rush of desire made her dizzy. Luckily, Eric didn’t notice her heightened color.
While Eric showered, MW lost herself in recipes, trying to drown out the bone-numbing terror that grabbed her by the throat every time she realized how close she and Eric had come to dying.
He’d lost
his car and nearly his life, due to her. By helping her, this kind and brilliant man risked everything. She didn’t understand why, but someday if she was ever able, she’d do her best to repay him.
Though he’d said they were leaving town, she could make something to take with them. Like a dessert or something. Anything to keep her hands and mind busy.
She decided to make brownies, since she’d already made cookies. The simple movements of assembling ingredients and mixing them calmed her, and she lost track of time.
Once dessert was in the oven and cooking, she sighed. Now what? She began washing the mixing bowls and spoons, despite Eric’s dishwasher. Humming under her breath, she jumped when the doorbell chimed. Heart pounding, feeling way beyond paranoid, especially since Eric was still in the shower, she looked out the peephole.
Greta. Jiggling her car keys impatiently while she waited for someone to open the door.
Should she let Eric’s sister in? Or ignore her visitor and hide in her little cocoon of safety? Did Greta know about the explosion? She knew Eric would probably want to see her.
One had on the doorknob, she took a deep breath and opened the door. She liked Greta and knew she’d welcome the company.
“Honey, I just heard.” As soon as MW opened the door, Greta rushed inside and enveloped her in a hug. After squeezing tightly, she pulled back and studied her.
“Are you all right?”
MW nodded. “Yes. And Eric is fine, too. He’s in the shower.”
Greta nodded. “Was Eric pissed about his Porsche?”
Swallowing, MW sighed. “I imagine he was.”
“And relieved that you both made it out without being hurt, I imagine.”
“I’m so sorry for endangering your brother. I’d hate for something to happen to him because of me.”
“Honey, let me tell you something. My brother is the most hardheaded man I’ve ever met. If he felt threatened or worried about you being here, you’d already be gone. Now, tell me.” Greta took a seat on the edge of the couch. “Have you remembered anything? I’m dying to know your story.”
“I actually don’t know.” MW grimaced, embarrassed that she still couldn’t remember. “I’m hoping at least some of my memory comes back soon.”
“Nothing? Nothing at all?”
MW tried not to wince. “Sorry, no.”
Greta gave an exasperated sigh and smiled. “And here I thought I’d be getting first dibs on hearing what happened to you. Besides Eric, that is.”
“I’m sure when I do remember, it won’t be that interesting,” MW ventured, struck by the irony of her own words.
“Except for the someone-trying-to-kill-you part.”
She had a point. MW moved into the kitchen and got them both bottled waters. After handing one to Greta, she shrugged. “I’m trying not to think about that.”
“Sorry.” Sounding anything but, Greta took a long drink of her water. “And you could regain your memory at any moment, right?”
For some reason, this comment depressed MW. “I suppose I could.”
Greta sniffed. “What is that smell? Cake? Brownies? Whatever it is, if it tastes as good as it smells, it’s to die for.”
“Brownies.” And they did smell pretty wonderful. “They still have a few more minutes to go before they’re done.”
Greta eyed her, her hazel eyes considering. “Do you like to cook?”
“Apparently.” Again MW shrugged. “It’s something that helps me occupy my time and soothe my frazzled nerves while Eric is at work.”
“Speaking of Eric, how’s that going? Are you two getting along?”
Oh, good grief. Briefly MW considered pretending not to understand. But there seemed to be no point to that, so she gave a straightforward answer. “He’s a good man, your brother. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay him for how he’s helped me.”
And she prayed he’d finish his shower pretty soon and get out here so he could deflect some of his sister’s curiosity.
Gesturing at the kitchen, Greta smiled. “It looks like you’ve gotten off to a good start. I imagine Eric hasn’t eaten this well in ages.”
“It’s the least I can do for him considering all he’s done for me.”
The timer went off. MW took the brownies out of the oven, using a toothpick to check if they were done. “Perfect,” she said.
Greta slanted her a look. “I’d like to try one, if that’s okay. Unless you’re making them for something special.”
Special? MW shook her head. “I baked them because puttering around in the kitchen helps calm my nerves. Of course you’re welcome to have one or two. I’m sure Eric would want one, too, even though we had dessert at lunch. Let’s just let them cool a few minutes before we cut them.”
“Lunch? Where’d you go?”
Something in Greta’s tone told MW she shouldn’t have mentioned going out with Eric. Of course. She flushed. Now Eric’s sister would assume they’d been on a date. Flustered, she began cutting into the brownies, even though they were still too hot, which made a jagged line. “A Chinese buffet near the hospital. Really great food.”
“I know it. I’ve been. It’s one of Eric’s favorites. Speaking of Eric, how well do you know him?” Greta asked, her tone casual as she helped herself to a still hot brownie. “Mmm,” she moaned after her first bite. “This is unbelievably delicious.”
Not sure what Eric’s sister might be getting at, MW took her time replying. Was she actually matchmaking? She couldn’t help but wonder if this was the real reason for Greta’s impromptu visit.
“I don’t,” she finally said. “Quite honestly.”
Narrow-eyed, Greta studied her while she took another bite of her brownie. “You didn’t know him at all before all this happened?”
“So you’re telling me he just happened to be there when you had your accident, showed up at your bedside at the hospital and asked you to move in with him?”
MW blinked. “When you put it that way, it does sound odd. Still, everything about this entire situation is strange.”
“True.” Greta still watched her closely. “It’s so weird that you weren’t seriously injured, yet you lost your memory.”
Not sure what the other woman was trying to hint at, MW decided she might as well be blunt. “Are you saying you think I’m faking this?”
At MW’s serious tone, Greta froze. “Not at all, though I guess I can see how you might have thought that. I just think it’s strange, that’s all.”
Relaxing, MW nodded. “It is bizarre.” She couldn’t help but glance down the hall toward the still-closed bathroom door. Surely Eric would join them soon.
“Best brownie I’ve ever eaten.” Grabbing a paper towel to wipe off her hands and her mouth, Greta leaned closer. “I’m sorry for the questions, but I’m very protective of my brothers. So, even though you didn’t actually know him before your accident, how much do you know about him?”
“Just that he’s a doctor and a very kindhearted man. He works a lot, and from what I could tell at the hospital, everyone respects him.”
“What about his personal life? Does he ever talk about his family?” She eyed MW, her gaze intense.
Still not sure what Greta’s purpose might be, MW continued to answer honestly. “He’s mentioned you, of course. And his brother the police officer.”
“Ryan.” Greta nodded, still watching MW like a hawk. “Nothing about his parents, or the rest of his siblings, or where he grew up?”
Stomach beginning to churn, MW shook her head. “Not really. Why do you ask?”
Greta shrugged. “It’s just that Eric never has time for anything. He won’t attend family meetings, and I hear from the rest of the family that he rarely even goes home. Did you know our mother is in a coma?”
A coma? Blinking, MW realized how little she actually knew about Eric Colton. “Has she been ill long?”
“That’s the thing. She wasn’t ill. Someone attacked her. There’s been a lot of weird stuff going on at home. Vandalism, fires and one of the family dogs was even attacked. Ryan’s been running back and forth, investigating. The entire family has pulled together. Except Eric. Everyone wonders how he can be so...detached.”
Detached might be putting it mildly. His mother had been attacked and was fighting for her life. Eric had mentioned none of this, almost as if he felt he needed to keep it from her.
This naturally made her wonder what other secrets the handsome doctor might be hiding.
Chapter 7
Touchy situation. Aware she might be treading on dangerous ground, MW chose her words carefully. “No, I had no idea. Eric has never mentioned his mother. Since he’s a doctor, I’d assume he was consulted on her care.”
“Yes. Eric was monitoring her at the hospital, but our father hired around-the-clock nursing and had her moved home. I don’t think Eric even visits her.” Greta looked away, but not before MW saw the hurt in her eyes.
MW wasn’t sure how to respond. “I’m sorry.”
A curt nod of her head was Greta’s only response.
“You’re upset because Eric can’t find the time to visit his own family, but can spend time with a stranger,” MW guessed. “Again, I apologize, but I’m not at blame here. I’m completely unaware of the family dynamics.”
“I know, I know.” Finally, Greta smiled. “Nothing against you. I just don’t understand my brother sometimes.”
“Maybe you and he can discuss this after he gets out of the shower.” If he ever reappeared. The shower had cut off several minutes ago.
“Maybe.” Greta didn’t sound too convinced. “But I don’t have much time. I’m heading back to Oklahoma City tonight.” She gave MW a look full of speculation. “You should know the entire family is buzzing over this.”
“You and Eric.” Greta waved a hand. “I’m just giving you a friendly warning. Be prepared for the nosiness of a large family. If you stay around Eric long, sooner or later, I imagine every one of the Coltons is going to show up on Eric’s doorstep so they can meet you.”